Sunday, September 13, 2009

Late-night Montreal

It's about 1:30 in the morning, which is an insane time for me to be posting to my blog, but I just got in from a night out in Montreal and I'm catching up on some stuff before I go to sleep. I leave tomorrow to go back to New Jersey. I can't wait to see Dave again tomorrow night. It feels like it's been forever.

The convention has been fun, and I found plenty of time to continue enjoying the city as well. Tonight I went out with a group of friends to dinner at a place called Cuisine et Dependance, which is by far the best restaurant I experienced in Montreal. I had a salad with miraculous heirloom tomatoes and rayfish in a beurre blanc sauce. I was beginning to think Montreal wasn't much of a food town, as unlikely as that seems given its French heritage -- but I guess I've just been going to all the wrong places! I never did try poutine, though. Oh well -- just another thing to come back for!


  1. "miraculous heirloom tomatoes" - i have no idea what you are talking about!
    sounds quite delish. though.

  2. ah... I should have thought of sending you a few restaurant addresses, my friend. Montreal is a foodie's delight - and I am not talking about poutine...

  3. I bet Dave misses you, too!

    I'm getting so excited for Thursday. Woooo hoooo!

  4. You've just been too spoiled by Dave's cooking to appreciate Montreal's cuisine! I'm sure you will have a great homecoming.
