Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I don't have much to say today, so I'm just going to give you this photo from Montreal. I thought it was pretty funny. I love a graffiti writer with a sense of humor.


  1. When you think about it, a truck is a great way to spread your artwork around since it can go so many places. I wonder what was on the other side?

  2. Absolutely -- writers love trucks because they're like mobile billboards. Can you believe I didn't look on the other side? What was I thinking?

  3. So glad you're back...can't wait to go to the park with you this weekend. Love you!

  4. Great...Sorry you didn't look at the other side...For some reason, when I saw this, I immediately thought of the white board and the rabbit in your workplace...not sure why the association...

    I hope Armenia was happy to see you. Best to Dave.
