Thursday, December 31, 2009


As I sit here in our living room in East Brunswick, with the dogs snoring on the couch and the snow falling outside, I'm a little amazed to think about all the changes that have come during the past year: a new boyfriend, the loss of my job, the death of my cat, and now my impending move to New Jersey. I don't think I've been through such a period of intense change since I moved to New York almost ten years ago.

It's exciting, but it's scary at the same time! I'm already taking steps toward the move. I forwarded my mail. I disconnected my telephone and Internet service in New York, and I switched my cell phone from Verizon to AT&T, which gets much better reception here in central New Jersey. (I also got an iPhone, which I am enjoying a lot -- the ability to access the Internet from anywhere and check e-mail is pretty awesome!)

With each step, I keep asking myself -- do I really want to do this? The answer is always yes. Someone once told me that if a thing isn't scary it isn't worth doing, and while that's a little glib to be a life philosophy, I think there's a grain of truth there. Besides, nothing is irreversible, and even if I sold my apartment in the city, I could always go back if circumstances demanded it. (In fact, I could live in Brooklyn, which is where I'd rather be anyway.)

I don't really feel like I'm leaving New York. The city is so easy to get to that I plan to be wandering there at least weekly.

More importantly, though, I do want to take this step with Dave. I'm excited about our future, as nebulous as my career path looks right now. I think we have great things ahead of both of us.

Here's to 2010! (Did you ever think it would be 2010?!)

(Photo: Street art from a walkway along the river in New Brunswick. We walked there Tuesday despite bitter cold so I could do some photography. I made this image into my wallpaper for my iPod.)


  1. Happy new year, Brother! Your family is behind you 100%!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm sure you will have no regrets. I'm also sure Ruby and Ernie are doing a lot of tail wagging in anticipation of your more permanent status in their lives. It will be interesting to see how you and Dave deal with things like pet peeves and chores. I'm convinced you will work out any differences!

    Don't you just love your iPhone? I still don't know how to use many of its functions and there are more apps than I could ever use, but it is so cool to be connected all the time (if I want to be).

    Happy New Year, you suburbanite!

  4. Wow! LOTS of changes!

    Sorry for your loss...

    VERY happy for the gains in your life :)

    I know how hard it is to leave the city- and trust me, you won't go back weekly, and eventually you won't even care ;)

  5. Happy New Year Steve! You sound excited. I hope things work out in ways you've never thought of, and it's all for the good. Best to Dave.

  6. Congrats on your skillful handling of all the changes, both those you couldn't control and those you could. I can feel your gratitude for all the good things seeping through your words. Happy New Year!


  7. I did NOT think it would ever be 2010, but here it is ... almost.

    I'm SO HAPPY you're moving to NJ and happy for you and Dave. Everything is unfolding exactly as it should be.

    I dreamed about the two of you a couple of nights ago. This is GREAT news.

    Happy new year!! And much love,

  8. here, here to glib philosophy!

    I hope 2010 lives up to all of our expectations and that all the inevitable changes that occur with be pushing each of us ever onward and UP!!

    best to you as all the transitions transition! being excited and positive about change I find squeal the fear that comes with change....

    2010 just sounds so sci-fi to me!!

    if you do return to new york, you won't be going back, but will continue to go forward wherever that takes you...

    great street art - and in new brunswick! I say that's a positive sign!

  9. exciting ch-ch-ch-changes.

    I moved out of NYC to NJ about 16 years ago and never regretted it. As you state, it is easy to get to if you want and if you end up working there again (as I do) the commute is a pain but certainly doable.

    Hope 2010 brings you much happiness.
