Saturday, December 26, 2009


Christmas was a lot of fun! Dave and I started the morning with presents -- I got a zoom lens for my camera, which will be great for shooting graffiti high up on the rooflines of buildings! I also got Barbara Kingsolver's newest novel, "Lacuna"; a boxed DVD set of all the "Absolutely Fabulous" episodes ever produced; a comfy pair of Merrell slip-on shoes; a pair of running shoes; and three gift certificates for massages at a spa in New Brunswick (plus optional pedicure). What a haul!

Dave got a mandoline (device for finely slicing vegetables), a food mill, a cast-iron skillet, several DVDs of movies he likes, Julia Child's book about her life in Paris, and a Le Creuset pot. (Plus an assortment of clothes from his parents, some successful and some not.) I also told him I'd buy him a rack for organizing his extensive DVD collection, and frankly that gift is as much for me as him, because right now the DVD closet is a mess and it makes me crazy.

After gifts we watched several shows on TV, took the dogs for a walk, and came back and began making dinner. Dave made an apple pie, and later, after it was in the oven, we discovered the new jar of cinnamon hadn't been opened -- which made Dave wonder what he'd put in the pie! Turned out to be an extra dose of nutmeg, but it tastes great all the same.

For dinner Dave made a pork roast stuffed with fennel and apple; I made my mother's famous sweet potatoes, which this time worked out perfectly, unlike Thanksgiving; and swiss chard. In between cooking we watched "War Games," a great old '80s movie that reminds me of my high school years.

Today we're off to the city to see a performance of "The Nutcracker" with my friend Arne and his partner, who are visiting from D.C.

Nearly all the snow in yesterday's photo has now disappeared beneath a slow but steady patter of rain. That field is all grass once again!

(Photo: Garage in Brooklyn, Dec. 2009)


  1. I'd say you two outdid yourselves on thoughtful gifts. The winners are the Le Creuset pot (how big?) and the zoom lens. I hope Ruby and Ernie got more than a piece of coal in their stockings!

    I'm glad you were feeling better for the big feast. It's nice when your favorite recipes work, yes?

    I have now perfected the art of oyster dressing, but I don't want to see it again for another year after 2 big batches in the span of a week! (I did buy myself a new Emile Henry dish for baking it. Check it out for next year.)

  2. happy boxing day!

    look forward to your review of the lacuna - I adored it!!

    I hope we can catch one of the movies that are at the theaters now - both sherlock holmes and avatar intrigue me, even though they are hollywood blockbusters!

  3. All the snow here has melted too. Well, almost all of it. There's still dirty piles of it here and there.

    Your Christmas sounds GREAT. You made out like a big dog!

    What movies does Dave like? Oh ... Le Creuset?? That is the bEST gift you can ever give a cook. Wow. You guys are so lucky!!
