Sunday, March 7, 2010

Rutgers Gardens

Dave and I celebrated the change in the weather yesterday by taking the dogs to Rutgers Gardens, just a few miles from where we live. It's a botanical garden with an attached nature preserve, featuring a trail that winds through woods along a tributary to the Raritan River. It was a spectacular day, and although the ground is still muddy from the recent snow melt it was great to get out and walk.

There's still a bit of snow on the ground, as you can see, but it's mostly gone by now. The snow clung to the north-facing bank of the creek above, but had vanished from the south-facing bank. (See? If I got lost in the woods I'd have some directional skills!)

The gardens also featured beds of native plants, but at this time of year they were all largely identical brown twigs. We'll have to go back in a few months to learn more about our Jersey flora!


  1. Everything is about to perk up here. Your landscape should follow suit sooner rather than later.

    Beautiful pics, Steve!

  2. It's so exciting to see crocuses, the harbingers of spring. I can't wait to see pictures of these gardens when they are in full bloom.
