Monday, June 21, 2010


While I was walking with Kim last week, we passed beneath a loft building near the East River waterfront in Williamsburg. I was looking up at the windows when some wording caught my eye.

I recognized it immediately -- a Joni Mitchell lyric! It's from her song "The Gallery," which seems appropriate given Williamsburg's artistic community. I could just imagine some artist painting this on his/her wall, appreciating Joni's imagery.

When I first saw your gallery
I liked the ones of ladies
Then you began to hang up me
You studied to portray me
In ice and greens
And old blue jeans
And naked in the roses
Then you got into funny scenes
That all your work discloses

"Lady, don't love me now I am dead
I am a saint, turn down your bed
I have no heart," that's what you said
You said, "I can be cruel
But let me be gentle with you"

Somewhere in a magazine
I found a page about you
I see that now it's Josephine
Who cannot be without you
I keep your house in fit repair
I dust the portraits daily
Your mail comes here from everywhere
The writing looks like ladies'

"Lady, please love me now, I am dead
I am a saint, turn down your bed
I have no heart," that's what you said
You said, "I can be cruel
But let me be gentle with you"

I gave you all my pretty years
Then we began to weather
And I was left to winter here
While you went west for pleasure
And now you're flying bock this way
Like some lost homing pigeon
They've monitored your brain, you say
And changed you with religion

"Lady, please love me now I was dead
I am no saint, turn down your bed
Lady, have you no heart," that's what you said
Well, I can be cruel
But let me be gentle with you

When I first saw your gallery
I liked the ones of ladies
But now their faces follow me
And all their eyes look shady


  1. It's a positive auger to see Joni Mitchell lyrics anywhere and anytime. Very cool. What an eye you have!

    Hey, happy solstice and shalom. xx

  2. What a great find to come across this. I know this song and think I'd recognize any of her lyrics out of context, but this one might actually stump me.

  3. You have a great eye to pick up something like this.
