Monday, September 20, 2010


Yesterday I drove out to Hunterdon County, on the Pennsylvania border, to cover a house fire that turned out to be pretty much nothing. I was glad I made the trip, though, because the countryside is beautiful -- hillier and, at the moment, more autumnal-looking than where I live. I passed this picturesque field of goldenrod outside Flemington.

Another reminder that fall is right around the corner!


  1. Wow! That looks like something out of the National Gallery. I have a hard time realizing this is New Jersey. I hope they pay you to drive all over getting info for your articles. It's a good thing you and Florence met up.

  2. I saw this picture and sneezed. How psychosomatic is that?

  3. Well, now I've caught up on all your recent posts. I wish it was fall-like here but we are sadly still broiling.

    The limelight mall makes me wonder what the developers were on...the last thing anyone needs is a Disney-esque designer mall.

    I'm glad the housefire turned out to be nothing...was anyone hurt?
