Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day Wandering

I went into the city yesterday morning and spent the day wandering. I'd hoped that Dave could go with me, but he wasn't feeling well and wanted a day of rest, given that school begins bright and early this morning. So I hopped into Florence by myself and drove to New Brunswick, and took an early train to Penn Station.

It was a spectacular morning for photography, with great light and nice cool temperatures. The streets were relatively empty because all the New Yorkers were out of town for the Labor Day weekend (always one of my favorite times to be in Manhattan).

I experimented more with including people in my photos, like this older lady reading the New York Post in a monumental doorway.

I tried to go to the Cup & Saucer for lunch, but it was closed -- bummer! So I went to the Moonstruck Diner in the East Village and had an omelette. Then I made my way back to Penn Station and came home. I walked until my feet were sore -- my favorite, favorite way to spend a day off!

I did not visit my old apartment (which is still in contract -- we haven't closed yet) or my old neighborhood. I like visiting New York and not being anchored to one area. I also think visiting the old 'hood wouldn't be very productive -- it might just make me sad! I do feel a germ of melancholy over not being a Manhattanite anymore, even though it's so close and so easy to reach by train. But life marches on!


  1. Do the people know when you are taking their picture? I always sense a little suspicion when I'm attempting to photograph someone and that person figures it out.

    Aren't you glad you don't live in a small town in the midwest a thousand miles away from your beloved city? It could be so much worse!

  2. I usually shoot them from across the street, so they don't know. I also try to shoot them in a way that leaves their faces blurred or unrecognizable, so I don't run into rights issues or invasion of privacy problems.

    And you're right -- being 45 minutes away is MUCH better than most alternatives!

  3. Sounds like a nice way to spend Labor Day. I used to think I wanted to live in a big city, but as I've gotten older I really appreciate the advantages of small town. It helps if I don't talk to too many people LOL(our politics rarely mesh).

  4. new york really does get into the bloodstream, doesn't it. once a new yorker, always a new yorker, so it's great that the city is so accessible to you.

    Have you done much wandering on and around the high line yet? What do you think of it?
