Monday, June 6, 2011


Today I have to drive to Elizabeth for my "biometric" appointment for my visa. For those of you unfamiliar with the word -- as I was until I started this process -- that means they'll take my fingerprints and my picture. It apparently doesn't take long.

We've compiled all the paperwork we need for our visas and even paid for priority service, so hopefully we'll get them within a few weeks. Certificate of civil union, apartment lease showing we live together, bank statements, diplomas, old passports, multiple copies of myriad's enough to make my head spin. I hope to finally squeeze it all into a FedEx envelope after my appointment today and get it shipped off to the British consulate in New York.

I always worry when dealing with bureaucratic entities like immigration offices that I've done some little thing wrong -- forgotten a document or not made enough copies of something -- that will torpedo my application. And what about timing? Is it possible to get the visa too early? We won't be traveling for another month, but I assume that won't hurt us.

I feel myself getting snippy and short-tempered as I struggle with all this paperwork. Note to self: Just do the best you can. It's all you can do.

After we get the visa, we can finally buy our plane tickets. I'll be glad when I finally get off the plane in the UK!

(Photo: Street art in Williamsburg, on Friday.)


  1. I remember having to send all my documents to Zambia TWICE because the mission office had lost the first set. It was a pretty good introduction to life in Africa, actually :) Good luck with all of yours - I'm sure everything will be completed in time without any issues!

  2. I guess it's a whole new ball game when you are moving rather permanently to a place as opposed to just playing tourist. I'm sure everything will work out in the end, but I understand your frustration in dealing with the bureaucracy.
