Saturday, June 4, 2011

Perfect Day

Yesterday was my day off, so I got into the city for a long walk around Brooklyn. I wanted to see several streetart pieces in the Greenpoint neighborhood, so I got off the subway in Williamsburg, fortified myself with a pain au chocolat from a nearby bakery, and started walking.

Yesterday was about the best weather a person could ask for -- clear, sunny and cool. I walked all around the Williamsburg waterfront and then up into Greenpoint, which is not easily accessed from Manhattan. (No direct subway.) I found the streetart I wanted to see, and lo and behold, a bunch of cars were parked in front of it, so I couldn't even photograph it. Oh well! I got lots of other cool shots instead.

Had lunch at a little diner on Manhattan Avenue and coffee at the legendary Cafe Grumpy, which is now a small chain of New York coffee shops. Then I skedaddled back to Penn Station for the 3 p.m. train home.

A perfect day!


  1. Hey, how could I not know Cafe Grumpy? I'll have to check it out.

  2. Sounds like your perfect way to spend a day. For some reason, I thought this was the Niagara weekend...
