Saturday, July 9, 2011


Just a quick note, with a completely unrelated photo, to say we've arrived in Florida after a couple of days of driving. I always enjoyed road trips, but I can see how Dave dislikes them -- driving from Michigan to Florida was definitely a challenge in places. We endured an hour-long traffic jam in Kentucky caused by a truck fire, a downpour while driving on a winding road through the Blue Ridge Mountains, and I got super-frustrated in the heavy traffic of Atlanta. But we got to stop in Asheville to visit with an old friend and now we're back in rainy, humid, summery Florida.

The next several days will be full of family and errands until we depart on Wednesday. Stay tuned!

(Photo: Balloons in New York under the Manhattan Bridge, two weeks ago.)


  1. how can one be so excited for another person's adventure? i am so excite for you both, moving to England! so soon, now.

    word veri: sally, as in sally forth!

  2. One of the best things about moving two years ago is that we no longer have to drive I-75 through Kentucky to I-40 to go visit our families in NC. True, we don't get to go through Asheville (where I worked for 5 years) & I miss my Blue Ridge Mountains, BUT we get to drive through WV so that makes up for it :)

    Like Angella, I'm pretty darn excited for you guys!
