Monday, August 15, 2011

Home again

We're back in London, after an exhausting plane trip. It wasn't long, but it was early, so we had to get up at 4:30 a.m. to have breakfast and catch the bus out to the airport in Reykjavik. (The airport is about 45 minutes away from town.) So needless to say, both Dave and I are exhausted.

The weirdest thing about our flight: Although we were booked on Iceland Express, our airplane had "IRON MAIDEN Final Fronteir World Tour 2011" painted on it in huge letters. Looking online -- because I know nothing about Iron Maiden or its tour schedule -- I see that the tour ended Aug. 6 in London. Maybe the airline bought or reclaimed the plane from the band and just hasn't repainted it yet? Very odd. (I never had a chance to get a photo, but here's a picture of the exact same plane from Flickr.)

I could detect no traces of heavy metal in the passenger compartment, but my guess is it's been thoroughly cleaned and/or reconditioned.

London survived without us, we were glad to see. And tomorrow we'll have more excitement around here, when our furniture arrives! Finally we'll be able to get back to cooking and enjoying the rest of our beloved stuff.

(Photo: Centerpiece for a sidewalk cafe table, Reykjavik.)


  1. Your trip looks like it was amazing, and now I want to ride an Icelandic pony just to see what that's like. Glad that London has settled down just in the nick of time.

  2. I loved horses and riding when I was younger...I'm very glad your Icelandic adventure went well and I hope you can enjoy the rest of your settling in.

  3. I'm glad you are home safe and sound. The pictures fro Iceland are amazing. There is something other-worldly about the blue lagoon (or whatever it was called).

    I'm sure in the absence of your things you have determined that you really didn't need a lot of what you packed and shipped. It will still be nice to have what is yours with you once again. And then you can look ahead to the retrieval of Ruby and Ernie!
