Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sloane Square

I took another long walk today, from our flat in Notting Hill across Kensington and Chelsea, all the way down to the Thames. I wanted to walk through Sloane Square, which I know from Morrissey's unforgettable song "Hairdresser on Fire":

Oh, here is London
Home of the brash, outrageous and free
You are repressed
But you're remarkably dressed
Is it real?
And you're always busy
Really busy
Busy, busy
Oh, hairdresser on fire
All around Sloane Square

It's basically a little paved park in the midst of an extremely posh shopping district. At least now I can say I've seen it. Strange how pop culture informs so many of my decisions about what to visit in London. (I also popped into Harvey Nichols today, because that's where Patsy and Edwina from "Absolutely Fabulous" often go to lunch -- "Harvey Nicks." I found a cool t-shirt for £180, which I certainly did NOT buy.)

I shot these photos along the way. London is awash in flowers now, and in fact today Dave and I went out and got some gardening supplies and reconfigured the plants on our balcony. (The landlords left us some, and I made Dave keep most of them, on the grounds that they're still alive and I can't bring myself to kill them!) Dave also repotted the herbs in our kitchen, which are now lined up in our sunny window. We're officially growing our own food! Ha!

1 comment:

  1. These photos look so British. There's something very clean and warm and interesting about the architecture. And the colors are great.

    I'm glad you have your own herb garden. It's so nice to be able to go out and snip what bits of herbs you need for a recipe.
