Tuesday, September 6, 2011


We're having a blustery day today, one worthy of Winnie-the-Pooh. The wind and rain are howling against our building and I've decided to pretty much stay in all day, because this just isn't walking-about weather. Hopefully our house won't blow down like Owl's.

I went walking yesterday up to Kensal Rise, north of where we live, and then east to Kilburn and down through Maida Vale to get back home. It was a nice long walk and the weather mostly cooperated -- I had good light for photography until I got within about 20 minutes of home, when it began raining. Dave got home from work at about the same time I got back, so we settled in together with our evening gin & tonics and talked about our days. (Other than walking, mine consisted mostly of reading and housework. Ah, the life of a house-husband!)

I gave up on the dog book I mentioned yesterday. It's a very rare thing for me to quit a book -- I usually press on to the end of virtually everything I start, on the theory that it could at any point suddenly get better. But I couldn't hack this one. Ugh.

Oh, and I learned on TV last night that Freddie Mercury would have turned 65 yesterday, had he not died of AIDS in 1991. Hard to imagine Freddie a senior citizen. I also learned to my surprise that he was born Farokh Bulsara, and grew up in India. I have some Queen on my iPod ("Bohemian Rhapsody" and "Killer Queen," probably their two most popular songs) but I was never a huge fan, so I somehow missed hearing about his ancestry. Fascinating.

(Photo: Ladbroke Grove, yesterday.)


  1. I am a huge Queen fan, even years after they produced their music. I never knew much about the group's members, but must say that Freddie's music is my most favorite.

    You boys are so civilized with your little cocktail hour every night. Are there yummy hors d'oeuvres to go with the G&T's?

    How many days until the dogs arrive?

  2. What an epic adventure your life is, Steve. I know you feel you were squeezed out of that old job, but honestly, everything about your life story got a lot more interesting after you got out of there. Onwards & upwards!!
