Wednesday, September 21, 2011

War Ration Book

While going through some old paperwork, I came across the World War II ration books belonging to my grandparents, mother and uncle. This is my grandfather's book. It includes some unused stamps for items including bread and produce.

This really shows how the war affected everyone and their consumption of even the most basic goods. It's hard to imagine being rationed bread or potatoes.

I posted this on Facebook and I think some of my friends thought I was trying to make a political point, or contrast between then and now. Honestly, I just thought it was interesting from a historical perspective. I guess it does show how everyone was united in the war effort back then, unlike our subsequent wars, which have been more divisive and less clearly defined. But agriculture and manufacturing are so different now -- I'm not sure you could make a meaningful comparison with what was going on in the 1940s.


  1. WwII was a different time, peoPle had such different values. Even though I was born soon after the war, it still is hard to imagine how it must have felt.

    I love the pics of the chairs and the scene with people on benches taken from different vantage points. It will not surprise you to learn that I've been doing the same thing lately! Love being on a wavelength with you!

    Solitary practice is your style. You actually are NOT a lightweight. Nope.

  2. My late MIL was born in England. She showed me her ration book from WWII. She said that they'd never had peanut butter until the Americans sent them some. Problem was they didn't know what to do with it. Read the word butter and thought it should be used as such. After that, the only way she would tolerate peanut butter was in cookies.

  3. What a wonderful find! I,too, was born after the war- My parents from the depression era- I remember everything being less, measured, used until it vanished- a nickle went a long way.
    That was then- no comparison at all to now. Everything is different, even the topography of the planet.

  4. Shortages were common and from my reading, it appears worse in England, which also experienced extreme inflation so that even basic goods became prohibitively expensive. America sent non-perishable items like peanut butter over to the British in an effort to prevent starvation.

    Thanks for your comments. Have you got an ipad?

  5. Debra, I was so happy when I moved to England and found peanut butter here. I'd always heard that the English didn't eat peanut butter. I guess those stories arose from their World War II experiences!

    E, I don't have an iPad. I have a MacBook Pro. I love it!
