Thursday, November 17, 2011


Last Friday, I dusted off my running shoes.

Even before we moved to London in July, my running outings had become rare -- especially during our last several weeks in the states, when we were concentrating on moving and visiting family in Michigan and Florida.

Then, when we got here, we were so busy with finding a place to live and getting settled -- not to mention exploring our new city -- that running was the farthest thing from my mind. While we were living in the Hotel Danubius during our first week, I ran once in Regent's Park -- and by that time I was already so out of practice that it felt like hell. I packed up my shoes and that was that.

Now that we're established -- and the town has been more thoroughly explored, and our dogs have arrived, and their maintenance is keeping me closer to home -- I decided I needed to focus once again on getting some exercise. I don't have a gym membership -- London gyms are freaking expensive -- so running seemed like the answer.

Last Friday was terrible. I ran a little more than two miles along the Grand Union Canal and through Ladbroke Grove, and I had to stop and walk three times. (In the states I routinely went for five-mile runs.)

But what's amazing is how quickly I seem to have bounced back. The very next day when I ran again, I did the entire two-mile loop without stopping. I did it again Monday. Yesterday I went for an even longer run in Kensington Gardens -- all the way to the Albert Memorial. Yahoo!

Already I feel better. I plan to keep it up, if not quite daily at least several times a week, along with my daily regimen of sit-ups and push-ups. Who needs an expensive gym?!

(Photo: Hackney Road, last week.)


  1. Sigh.

    I so need to start an exercise regimen and am finding it incredibly difficult. I just downloaded a book called The Chi of Walking -- there's one called The Chi of Running, too. A good friend of mine recommended it -- said it gets you going through the rough stuff.

  2. Good for you! Unfortunately you can't take a lot of pictures when you are running, but then I suppose you can always go for a walk to do that. Exercise that makes your heart race just feels good, yes?

  3. I commend your efforts. I'm on the trail of a trainer who is also a DPT...Not sure yet how expensive he'll be, but we'll see.
