Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I picked up these flowers, known as alstroemeria or Peruvian lily, at Tesco the other day. I put them in a vase on the dining room table, where the sun lights them up in late morning.

Despite my resolve to get out of the house, I wound up staying in most of yesterday. I'd hoped to go check out the Tate Britain, but we had an all-day windy, lashing rainstorm that intensified just as I planned to go out, so I scrapped my plans. I did manage to do a few quick errands and go running during a drizzly lull before settling in to finish Bill Bryson's book.


  1. I loved reading Bryson's book and I am really enjoying following your blog and so sympathize with the loss of your companions. Thank you for sharing a bit about you and London, your photos are lovely.

  2. The weather explains everything. Glad you stayed mostly indoors. Thinking of you with love and YES yes the crazy English landscape calls to me. Maybe we can go to Avebury when I come visit. I miss you.

  3. Gorgeous flowers - I'll bet they were a sunrise during yesterday's rain. I would have stayed in too :)

  4. Those are my favorite flowers. They seem to last forever. And I love all the various color combinations.

    I highly recommend the Steve Jobs book. It's a pageturner -- a rare trait in biographies. It will give you a much more intimate feeling about all your iProducts.

  5. The flowers are beautiful. They remind me of a ray of sunshine on a gray day.

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan

  6. Those flowers grow like weeds in my backyard garden, but I do love them because even when they're picked (or bought in a store) the last forever! I hope they bring some cheer and sunshine to you --
