Monday, January 9, 2012


Dave's high school students gave their first concert of the year yesterday, and it went really well. It was held in the afternoon, which I thought was pretty smart, and combined the efforts of the band, orchestra and choral students. The orchestra even performed the theme from "Psycho," which was fun.

Afterwards, Dave and I, along with the other music teachers and their dates, went out for dinner at the local pub. A good time was had by all!

(Photo: Shoreditch, on Saturday, with street art by Mr. Penfold.)


  1. It would be interesting to know how many of Dave's students will have a career in music. Were there any obvious superstars in this performance? I'm sure he was glad to have you in the audience!

  2. I know I am late to the party, but I was wondering what does Dave teach. I realize he teaches music, but does he just reach strings, music comp, a vocal coach, or something more general?

    Sounds like it was a good night. :)

    Ms. M

  3. He's the band instructor, so he teaches wind and percussion. The school has other teachers for vocal and string performance, but they all collaborated on this concert.

  4. Nice. I am a former band member my self, is why I ask. :) I played the flute, but am so terrible at it now. :/

    Ms. M

  5. Sounds like a lovely time. I was a vocal geek myself, back in the day. Hard to remember as I am still coughing and sputtering...
