Wednesday, February 1, 2012


This is our kitchen window at the moment -- not too shabby, right? Dave ordered four amaryllis bulbs from the Netherlands a few months ago, and we planted them in our herb pots when the herbs began to look ragged. The bulbs sat quietly for several weeks and didn't seem to be doing much, and then all of a sudden, boom! Stalks and flowers. Leaves come next, apparently. (Isn't it funny how that third one is so much smaller than the rest? Genetics can be unpredictable!)

We were disappointed to learn that our neighborhood fishmonger closed over the weekend. Apparently the rent went up on their Notting Hill store, so they will now operate solely from Selfridges department store on Oxford Street (not at all nearby). Although they're a posh fishmonger, and we mainly went there when we wanted something special, I hate to see them driven out. Several other stores have also closed in nearby buildings. This seems to be happening more and more all over the world -- I read about it often in New York. What will we do when every store is a Starbucks or a Subway or a 7-Eleven?

Speaking of Starbucks, I always liked it in the states, but here in England the Starbucks drip coffee is nasty. I don't know whether it's the water or the roast, but I am not a fan. Even more of an incentive to search out independent coffee shops.

I think I figured out my voting problem. Apparently I am entitled as an overseas resident to vote in the district where I last lived in the U.S. So I'm in the process of registering in New Jersey as an overseas voter. I believe the designation entitles me only to vote in federal elections, but that's fine. I don't really need to weigh in on the Middlesex County freeholder race.


  1. I'm so jealous of your beautiful blooms. I have a lovely amaryllis with lots of leaves and no blooms. The blooms have always surprised me in the past, with the stalks growing inches in a day. They are strange plants! Kudos on your seemingly very green thumbs.

  2. Gorgeous flowers! They're lovely in your window. Someone gave me a bulb once & I never planted it. We lived in an apartment & were already overrun with more plants than we needed. Sad.

    I'm sad about the local shops too. I went to my local Hallmark store the other day & they had reduced the store space by half to save on rent. I hope that keeps them open!

    I'm glad you're getting your voting sorted out.

  3. I can imagine how peaceful it must feel to stand before that window, festooned with those blooms! ah.

  4. We usually have amaryllis blooming during January and February because we receive them as a sort of generic christmas gift through my husbands practice...this year- nada! I miss them- they are always successful! thanks for yours- takes the edge off of getting nothing for christmas...except a trip to maui...there was that...

  5. also thanks for the info re: oyster and travel card thing! Very helpful!

  6. Those flowers are beautiful. They're so red!

    As for voting, you're very conscientious. Who knows what sort of circus we'll have come fall. Bravo to that.

  7. They are so beautiful. What a great place for them too.

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan

  8. Ooh! Those amaryllis are beautiful. Yes, it's sad but true - Starbucks' coffee in the UK is horrid. I was surprised when I found that in the US it was ok :)
