Wednesday, March 14, 2012

London Spring

We're having an incredibly mild week here in London. The sun is out, the temperatures are pleasant and the sidewalks are crowded with people soaking it all in. We've opened up the windows to air out the flat, and I've been able to run in a t-shirt, which always adds such an incredible feeling of freedom to my runs -- not being layered up in sweatshirts and stuff.

We're also seeing lots of blooming things. Rings of daffodils have raised their heads around the trees in our courtyard, and I've passed boxes full of tiny purple hyacinths beneath budding pink magnolia trees. It's such a relief, when spring finally arrives. It's like being able to exhale and unclench after holding your breath and tensing your muscles for weeks on end.

As I said, people are really taking advantage of the weather. I was out on Portobello Road the day before yesterday and the cafes were full in mid-afternoon.

I've been able to do some walking and photography the last two days, but today I'll be staying inside to work on a project for my former boss. I hope to get a run in, at least!


  1. Happy spring! It's gorgeous here, too. I was out walking and taking pics yesterday. Today I'll be out again. Wish you were here or I were there!

  2. It's been wonderful where I am too. 80 something degrees! I am loving every minute I can. Although really I just want to stay in and read. However I've had tons of errand to run on my well off, spring break, and it's been great weather for it. I hope it sticks around.

    Ms. M

  3. We're having a gorgeous day too - but I'm staying inside during lunch because it's just too busy at work right now - I'm behind on my blog reading! I'm seriously considering un-following a ton of blogs so I can enjoy spring & summer (alternatively I could just NOT READ them & then they'd still be there in the fall when I want to stay in side). In any case, yours isn't one of the ones I'm thinking of dropping :)

  4. The weather here is great, heating up a bit but no horrible humidity yet. Enjoying Spring break, too.
