Friday, March 9, 2012


Wow, did I sleep like a rock last night! I knew I was tired, but I stayed up through the entire day to get back on schedule. Now I feel completely normal, but we'll see what happens as the day progresses.

Dave and I celebrated our reunion by swiftly returning to our comfortable routines. Last night he made pork chops, one of our dinner favorites, and we enjoyed them while watching "Eggheads" and "The Big Bang Theory." We also watched a terrific show from the National Geographic channel called "Thames Treasure Hunters," about the mudlarks. (Remember my Thames beachcombing experiences?)

This morning, I'm enjoying more routine. I've cleaned the house and cranked up the laundry. I made coffee -- doesn't every coffee drinker think their own coffee is the best? -- and now I'm about to tackle all those blogs I've been missing while I had limited computer access!

(Photo: Outside Publix, possibly the best grocery store in the world, on Anna Maria Island, Fla.)


  1. I'm glad you're home and back into your routine.

    So your cable TV is working well at last? Thank goodness. There's a place for TV! There is.

    Glad you're home safe and sound, but it does feel like you're now far away. Weird, hey?

    Welcome home.

  2. Funny, I used to be a Publix shopper. Do you know they don't have any in the Midwest. Anyway, I shop at an organic food co-op now.

    I have heard of the Thames treasure hunters show. It has been on at home, just never really stopped to watch it. Maybe one day I will take a peek. If your ever on there let us know I will watch. :P

    At least you have an excuse why you are behind on reading blog posts. I have no excuse and still behind. >.<

    Ms. M

  3. Chops for dinner! YUM! Settling in for an evening of TV- Just my style! Dexter approves.
