Sunday, April 29, 2012


We're going big here at Shadows & Light! I finally figured out how to widen my blog template to accommodate larger photos. This blog is ostensibly about my photography, after all, and I think the larger pics look much better.

In fact, last night I edited my posts all the way back through October, enlarging the photos. It was a relatively easy task, just time consuming and repetitive -- I think I was on the verge of giving myself carpal tunnel when I stopped.

The blog looks good to me, but I'm curious how it appears on other computers. Do the pictures run under the words or break the template? Are they too big? Any feedback is appreciated!

(Photo: A weather-battered cherry tree in Notting Dale, yesterday.)


  1. It looks great Steve. Nothing overlaps and the bigger size pics work well. I did this for my blog a while back after I added three columns instead of two. It threw off my header size but luckily I have a friend with photoshop who was able to make it fit.

  2. Looks great! I wonder if you'll start shooting differently now that you're aiming for "big"?

  3. Everything looks lovely...

  4. it all looks perfect on my computer. You know I always click to make your photos big anyway when i look at them. So I love this innovation! Also, the colors in your photos have been even more vibrant recently. Did you change cameras? loving it all.

  5. I love the larger pictures and wish I could do them on my blog. If you have a minute, let me know how to fix my template so it will accomodate larger photos. I'd greatly appreciate it.

  6. The larger pictures look fabulous.

    Ms. M

  7. I'm going to have to do this! I might come back here & ask you how you did it if I can't figure it out :)
