Thursday, April 19, 2012

Stormy Weather

This is what the weather looks like around here this week. Rain, rain, rain -- mixed with weird schizophrenic bursts of sunshine that last half an hour or so. I managed to squeak in a desperate run yesterday in between showers, but for the most part I stayed indoors, reading and working on my freelance website project.

We've even had a bit of thunder and lightning, which is a rarity in these parts. Last night Trellick Tower looked even more forbidding than usual against a dark, stormy sky.

I wish I had something more interesting or newsworthy to report, but honestly, I'm just not motivated to tackle any big issues. I read the paper yesterday, immersing myself in stories about the sadly twisted Anders Behring Breivik, prostitute-hiring Secret Service agents and the newest abuses by U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan. And I just have nothing to say about any of it. My response to most news these days is just to feel deflated.

So I'm sticking to watching the clouds. According to the forecast, they're not going to break until the 28th. I'm just keeping in mind that whole "April showers" thing.

Oh, also, I wrote a guest post yesterday at the request of Ms. M, a blog pal who's an elementary school teacher. Her blog is about teaching, and I'm not a teacher (obviously), so initially I wondered what to write about. But we've all had teachers, right? So what makes our best-remembered teachers special? That's the subject of my post, which you can find here.


  1. Now THIS is the London I expect :) But I hope you get a few breaks from the gloom before it breaks ont the 28th.

    My favorite teachers were the ones who were funny, very bright, yet didn't accept any nonsense in the classroom. I liked orderliness. Yes, I was a goody two shoes (what does that MEAN?).

  2. Steve, I love those pictures! They so look like something I would blow up and put up in my living room. Very nice!

    Thanks for the shout out! I thought your post was perfect. With everything that goes on in a school year, it is great to be reminded sometimes why I do what I do. :) Your post did that. Thanks again.

    Ms. M
