Friday, April 6, 2012


We're getting our first overnight visitors today, our friends Marilyn and Jason from New Jersey. They cared for Ernie and Ruby for three months last summer while we got settled in London, and in return we pledged to fly them over for a visit. Dave and I are going to meet them at the airport at 9 a.m. They're staying for a week, though they'll be in a hotel their last few days.

We have a perfectly good guest bedroom, though it is equipped with an extra-firm mattress that Dave hates. Hopefully Marilyn and Jason aren't opposed to a firm mattress. Otherwise they may be in that hotel faster than we planned!

This starts a steady stream of visitors -- my friend Pam is coming in late April, my friend Ann's daughter Sarah is coming in early June, Dave's parents are here in July and August, and our friend Adam is visiting in August too. Plus we've got those bloody Olympics to contend with. (No, we're not going. Dave and I aren't sports people. In fact, we're thinking about getting out of town. If we owned our apartment we'd rent it out!)

(Photo: Sunrise from our bedroom window, looking eastward toward the apartment towers of Westbourne Green. It's clear and cold this morning, though I don't think it got cold enough to freeze, as was forecast.)


  1. For a second I thought that photo was of Stonehenge! I guess it's sort of a modern-day Stonehenge, no?

  2. Lol, I understand wanting to get away from the Olympics and the madness that will ensue. But if you take pictures, please share.

    Ms. M
