Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Following up on yesterday's gardening report, I thought you might like to see our balcony with its newest assortment of vegetation. From left:

-- Three big shrubs passed down from the landlords (no idea what they are)
-- Our horseradish plant (left foreground)
-- A purple-blooming campanula, given to Dave by one of his coworkers
-- Lavender, newly repotted (the bees LOVE this plant)
-- Five tomato plants (next to the railing)
-- Four boxwoods, also from the landlords
-- Our new red geranium (against the railing)
-- A purple salvia
-- A plumbago we bought last fall; it turned prematurely, autumnally red after our cold snaps in April.

Finally, you can see a tiny sliver of our thyme plant, which sits on a windowsill at far right.

We have so many plants there's barely room to set up our clothes-drying rack -- and when I need to dry sheets and towels I usually hang them from the railing, which involves acrobatically bending and contorting to reach over the rain forest, with industrial-sized clothespins in my hands.

But don't get me wrong. I love our balcony!


  1. Ooh I love all the greenery! But please don't fling yourself off the balcony accidentally - clean sheets aren't worth it! Ha!

    P.S. I see that, including this one, you have written NINE posts since I last read blogs. I will read them all, but I probably won't comment :)

  2. Looks like a great little garden you have going!
