Thursday, May 10, 2012

Bay Window

This is one of the best features of our flat -- the bay window in our bedroom. It looks out on at the apartment buildings of the Portobello Court housing estate across the street, and Trellick Tower in the right-hand distance. And like all our windows, it has incredibly good light and deep windowsills for storage or display.

I parked a couple of my artworks here, as well as a pottery lizard that my friend Sue bought me in Tampa almost 20 years ago (right). On the left is a bowl I made, holding beach glass from Sidi Ifni in Morocco and shells from Madagascar. And next to it is a huge fossilized scallop that I found near the beach in Venice, Fla. We bought the plant on Portobello Road -- it's a Dracaena or Dragon Tree, one of my favorite houseplants. 

The windows are double-glazed and one of them isn't sealed well, so it fogs up between the panes. But still, I love this window. Pity it isn't a more comfortable place to sit -- though I suppose we could add cushions and try to improve it. In any case, we'll get to enjoy it for a while more -- we've arranged a lease extension with the landlords to keep this flat at least through July 2013!


  1. Ooh I love the window! I might have to get some cushions so I could sit there...

    We have a Madagascar Dragon tree - I guess it's similar? We've had it for about 10 or 11 years now. Here's a post with a picture from November 2010 - it's a wee bit bigger than yours!

  2. Yep, it's the same kind of plant. I love your holiday touch!

    We thought about getting cushions but we just never managed it. Maybe one of these days...

  3. Maybe instead of cushions you could just have a nice chair there with a little table to rest your drink on? Looks like a lovely place for contemplation.

  4. oops
    on closer inspection I see the "shelf" or seat where the framed artwork is. So I guess my idea would not work unless you still pull a chair up and use the other to place your drink on! Sorry!

  5. Oh my I LOVE that window. I am a huge fan of bay windows and yours is wonderful. Your right buying a few cushions would make is a fabulous sitting space.


  6. I definitely agree with you, Steve! Your window looks stunning! It gives you a good view of the buildings and the surroundings. Also, the natural light coming in makes the place warm and welcoming! It’s no wonder you extended your lease on the apartment. This window -- this flat -- is definitely worth it!
