Monday, June 18, 2012

Alleyway HDR

As I mentioned the other day, my new camera can do photography in a mode called HDR, which compiles a number of photos taken at different exposures into a single image. This creates images that even out what would otherwise be areas of extreme light and dark.

Here's an example. About a week ago, I took the photo above of a covered alleyway off Portobello Road. As you can see, it includes very dark areas where daylight doesn't quite reach.

I went back on Friday and took the same alleyway in HDR mode. The camera shot three frames and combined them into the image above. Big difference!

There are also several modes to enhance the HDR photo, making the colors brighter and the contrast sharper, or even adding special effects. I don't like messing with photos too much, but I like this color-enhanced version a lot.

I think the top photo is still good, with its mysterious blackness. But HDR adds more possibilities. It's probably not a function I'll use a whole lot, but it's fun to experiment!


  1. The bottom colored version is interesting. I enjoyed seeing the three different versions. But ya know, I think overall I still like the first one best! :)

  2. I agree with Lynne. HDR sort of flattens things a bit, though I would love to have a camera that could do that - especially in multi- layered places - like Venice - where the light does not reach some areas.Which camera did you buy? I need a new one- mine is so battered and there are so many options out there. Do you have two battery packs- one recharging while one in use?
    You can message me on FB If you have the time.

  3. Love the enhanced colour! That could be advantageous, especially up here where shades of grey are dominant-not the book! The environment!

  4. fascinating! i do love the first photo, though. it does have a certain mystery. but i also really like that pop of red in the last photo.

    what kind of camera did you get?
