Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Eye at Night

Kellee wanted to see the city at night -- and what better vantage point than the London Eye?

We zipped down to South Bank on Monday night to board the Eye at 9:30 p.m., the last possible time before it closes. Even then, it wasn't quite dark. These summer days are so incredibly long. Apparently during the Olympics the Eye's hours will be extended until midnight, so true nighttime rides will be possible.

That's St. Paul's Cathedral above, with the white dome, and the National Theater colorfully lit in the foreground.

And here's the obligatory shot of Parliament. I never tire of this view.

Neither does Dave. (He later complained that his pictures were blurry, but I guess the iPhone only has so much low-light capability.)

By the time we got off the Eye, the sky was much darker.

We walked back to the tube over the bridge to Embankment, with this as our view. Not too shabby!

Kellee returns to the states today. Dave leaves tomorrow for a music workshop in Kent. I'll probably travel down to join him this weekend. And then his parents arrive next week for a 10-day stay.

No rest for the weary!


  1. Just remarkable photos -- I can't wait for your Olympic coverage!

  2. oh my, such marvelous photos. yes, i hope you'll bring us london in the time of the olympics. i can't wait.

  3. These shots are fantastic. You did a great job on these low light shots while in motion yourself. I love the Parliament shot. I have one very much like it only it was day time.

  4. OMG! The last money shot just sends me into raptures! GORGEOUS! FABULOUS! all of them really.Kent will be a lovely trip- loads of photo ops, I am sure...and fresh growing things!
    Thanks you for these stunning shots!

  5. Stunning! Next time I'm there I must give in and get on the eye. Thanks for the pictures they made my mind up.


  6. Stunning! Next time I'm there I must give in and get on the eye. Thanks for the pictures they made my mind up.


  7. Lovely photos, Steve! Perfect for your next book.

  8. Just catching up from your blogs of the past few days.

    Whew! Non-stop company!

    Gorgeous shots of and from the Eye. Simply fabulous!

    What wonderful tour guides you are! I hope you don't get London-attraction-burn-out! ;)
