Sunday, July 1, 2012

Windows in Hyattsville

Another post from the archive! I've written before about my grandmother's house in Hyattsville, Md. The other day I came across these old photos of her dining room windows.

I took these on one of our family visits sometime in the mid-1980s. My grandmother died in 1989 and we sold the house soon after.

I've always liked these pictures, even though they're not really of anything. They seem very calm and soothing -- maybe because that's how I think of my grandmother's house. She was a pianist, and she was Southern and quite polite, but also wry and funny in her way. She disliked television and would not allow it in her living room. That's one reason her house always seemed peaceful, even though she lived on a fairly busy street corner with D.C. Metrobuses rumbling past.

Today, Dave and I have a painting from her bedroom on our living room bookcases, and her stained glass window ornament sits in our kitchen window, catching the English light. I use her letter opener every time I open mail. I miss her.


  1. The photos are beautiful, as are your words about your grandmother. My grandmother was southern, too -- and very much a lady to the end of her 92 years on earth.

  2. So lovely and quiet and peaceful, thank you for sharing these.

  3. I had a very southern grandmother too - one of those proper Southern Baptist ones. Mike & I were just talking about her yesterday - she conveyed disapproval by just looking sad & disappointed.

    I love the pictures - they'd make great poetry prompts :)

  4. I read your post and saw the photos earlier today. I have been back several times, just looking at them and have struggled for the right response to leave.

    I am still struggling.

    They are poignant. Expectant. Sad. They speak of times gone by (because they don't make windows like that anymore).

    I love them! Hey, the best thing you could say about your photos is that they make someone feel emotion. No matter if it is the same emotion you wanted to evoke when you took them. The best thing is that that made someone feel *something.*

    These are wonderful.

  5. my first apartment in new york had windows like this one. so did my second and third. lovely and meditative post.

  6. I love the photos. They are the kinds of pictures I'd blow up, frame and put up. What a great memory.


  7. I grew up not far from Hyattsville (Silver Spring/Adelphi area). Your photos bring back feelings from a gentler time. I love your writing and photos. I fell in love with London this past spring when I visited for the first time.

  8. Thanks for the comments everyone! I'm glad these photos evoke feelings in others too.

    Andrea, sorry for the delay in approving your comment -- I only found it today (along with several others awaiting approval). Thanks for visiting!
