Monday, August 27, 2012

More from North Lopham Church

I mentioned yesterday that I got to walk around inside St. Nicholas Church in North Lopham. One of our hosts said it dates from the 14th century, and like many English churches it has graves in the floor and beautiful stained glass.

It's obviously still an active church community, with what looked like children's crafts displayed on a table and other signs of recent activity. Our hosts said a traveling vicar serves this church and several others in the region.

This is part of the exterior wall beneath the bell tower, with symbols that are explained here, on an interesting web page about the history of the church.

And this is just one of the dozens and dozens of gravestones in the churchyard.

Yesterday we went for a walk in a forest preserve, and napped, and read, and I took another walk through the village in the afternoon. Picked myself a few more apples and some tiny, tart wild blackberries from roadside bushes. I've just about licked the occasionally interesting but overlong book I'm reading, about life in England in the 1950s. And Dave cooked with our hosts, Dick and Georgia, last night -- coq au vin with a fish course, chilled soup and dessert. I like it here, but I'm glad I'm getting out today because I will weigh 400 pounds if I stay.

I shudder to think of the pandemonium going on at home. Things should be winding down by the time we get there this evening, but I'm not looking forward to wading through crowds with luggage in order to get back to our flat. Somehow we didn't really think about that.


  1. Such a beautiful church -- it looks so light and unlike the heavy (albeit beautiful, too) ones I'm accustomed to seeing in Europe. I can almost see John Donne or Jane Austen and family walking the aisle.

  2. I've seen stories about the carnival. Be glad you're out of the 'hood. Looks crazy.

  3. The English are such a conundrum. Such placid, calm places and lives and then- PARTY!!!! in the 'hood.
    Y'all were smart getting out. I hope re-entry isn't too difficult.

  4. my favorite pictures are the last three.

  5. Such a pretty little village church. Just the right size. Love the second pic of the window with the bench below it. So peaceful and serene.

    Hope you find everything alright at home when you arrive!

  6. THAT WALL! WOW, I want that wall! So nice to have a great holiday away from...your holiday...sounds too lovely. Cute little church as churches go. I like that there are dead people planted there.

  7. Penguin!

    Such a lovely church - and I love that wall too. I wonder how one would look in our yard (about 100% out of place).
