Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Gherkin, Salman and Dexter

This is the view looking south on Bishopsgate from Shoreditch, at Sir Norman Foster's famous 30 St. Mary Axe, better known as "The Gherkin." Isn't it a great building? I'd love to see it from the inside, but from what I understand there's no regular public access. Someone needs to open up a cafe in that nose cone.

The rainy weather continued yesterday, and I had a blessedly low-key day. I did the laundry and a few work-related tasks, but mostly caught up on my New Yorker magazines. I enjoyed Salman Rushdie's account of the changes in his life that followed the publication of "The Satanic Verses" in 1989 and the Iranian fatwa that followed. The article was especially appropriate given all the recent outrage and violence in the Muslim world over that terrible YouTube video. (Not that I am suggesting the video is culturally comparable to Rushdie's book.) I'm thinking now I should read "The Satanic Verses" -- I never tried it because some critics didn't take kindly to it, and the consensus seemed to be that it wasn't that good. But if I'm still curious more than 20 years later, that says something, doesn't it?

I also had a good long conversation with my mom via Skype, in which she filled me in on the neighborhood plane crash. Yes indeed, there is no end to the excitement in Pasco County, Florida. Turns out it wasn't much of a spectacle, though -- it happened way out in a pasture and even though Mom lives fairly close to the scene, she heard and saw nothing.

In the evening, Dave and I tried to watch "Dexter," having exhausted our supply of "Breaking Bad." I did not like "Dexter," not even a little bit. People have raved about it, but I found it way too bloody and creepy. Maybe I simply haven't cultivated the appropriate level of ironic detachment -- but at this point, I think I'll skip it.


  1. I so agree with you about Dexter! In a week you'll be able to watch season one of Homeland on Netflix.

  2. You've seen Six Feet Under, right? What an amazing show that one is. I think you might like it.

  3. oh yes! what ms moon says. I guess i just assumed you'd seen six feet under, but if you haven't, you have a treat ahead of you!

  4. Well, I don't really watch TV so I can't help you out with any suggestions except Firefly. It only ran for one season and was actually canceled before all the taped shows were aired but I love it. It's basically a western in space. The movie Serenity that came out years later was sort of the completion of the story.

  5. Yeah -- I never liked Dexter. Tried it and gave up -- too, too much! I'm with Angella -- waiting for Homeland.

  6. I Started to read "satanic Verses" but it did not grip me and there are so many books to read before I die- I let that on slide, too.
    Rarely get involved with Television even if it is on HBO- Loved Michael in "Six Feet Under" but Dexter is just gross! His real life wife plays his sister and her character is most annoying. "Game of Thrones" is worthy...beautiful - am in love with Peter Dinklage!
    Your photo is the best I have ever seen of the Gerkin!
    In answer to question about the newspaper, it moved all of it's printing to another county, there are a handful of "reporters" left in a small office. Never was a brilliant newspaper but now it is about two pages of "news" - the rest advertising and want ads- still has a small sports section which goes directly into the bird cage. Not a sports fan, now is the bird but he knows what to do with it.

  7. Salman Rushdie was on The Daily Show last week, and all I kept thinking was how he must hate having his novel compared to a crappy YouTube video. (Not that Jon Stewart made that comparison, but the timing of Rushie's memoir and the anti-Islamic video kind of forces the juxtaposition.)

    I think I'm more tempted to read Rushdie's memoir over The Satanic Verses, but that's just my preference for nonfiction showing.

  8. Ooh I LOVED Firefly! We have the boxed set - maybe that's what we'll watch when baseball is over.

    Love the Gerkin!

  9. I just hope I never get ironically detached enough to root for the psycopath.

  10. LOL, I watch and enjoy Dexter. Read the books first then watched. I like the books MUCH better. Books are darker actually and I am not entirely sure that I like where they are taking the series, not cannon.

