Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Holiday Fatigue

When I was a kid, this building housed a Biff-Burger restaurant. Biff-Burger was a regional chain, and I never ate there, but I remember the sign -- it looked just like the one at the single remaining Biff-Burger restaurant, in St. Petersburg. Our local outlet closed some time in the '70s, and the building went through a variety of changes since then -- as you can see it most recently served as a used car dealership, but I think even that is defunct now.

So did you survive Christmas? Our day began quietly with a relatively modest exchange of presents. Dave spent the rest of the day in the kitchen making Christmas dinner, which thrilled my mom by taking it off her hands. He was happy as a clam to have something to do.

Then Dave and I, along with my brother and his family, went to my stepsister's house to have dinner with my Dad and his family. Things got a little crazy there. We had 13 people in attendance, and the gift exchange was a bit chaotic, with everyone talking at once and glitter flying from all the shredding wrapping paper. My six-year-old neice was like the Energizer rabbit, fueled by a combination of sugary food and sheer enthusiasm. I don't know how she managed, because I was exhausted by the end of the day!


  1. Did we survive Christmas?
    As always. We do.

  2. I have to say I never saw a Biff Burger when I lived in FL. I wonder why?

    Yes, survived Christmas just fine, thank you! Glad you did too!
