Thursday, December 20, 2012

Leyton Shopfronts

I did indeed get out of the house yesterday. I took a long walk from Leyton, in East London near the Olympic Park, north to Walthamstow. I found lots of great little shops along the way.

First, this literally Peculiar hair studio. One would think that might be a counterproductive name, but apparently God is looking out for them. I dig the woman with the big 'fro, and what about the giant strawberry? It's all very...well...peculiar!

I found several Romanian shops along this route. Apparently there's a Romanian enclave in that area.

I'm glad the folks at the Shop-Shop-a-Shop are thinking of me!

I have a soft spot for Chinese restaurants, especially with lackadaisical characters hanging around out front.


Looks like someone egged the window -- or maybe the owners figured they'd just get there first.

Now that is an attention-grabbing name.

I haven't a clue what the big sign is supposed to say, but I love the before-and-after shots. That woman on the lower left looks like Cindy Brady. And come to think of it, that might be Jan, upper right.

I have more, too, but I don't want to wear you out! I'll save some for another day!


  1. I LOVE these! Each one is better than the next, I think -- although the Literally Peculiar Hair Studio is my favorite.

  2. "Goods, service, and thoughts for you."
    My favorite. How can it not be?

  3. Huh. I am thinking that the "Playgirls Hair Studio" is really a front for a girlie club. Why else would the hair styles be so out of date? You're right, I think they are Cindy and Jan from the Brady Bunch!

  4. Boom City, home of 'Dr. Fish Spa' so says the sign! Ha!

  5. That was fun. Much more interesting than the "big box" stores I mostly see. I should take a walk downtown in my little town & see what I can find :)
