Monday, January 21, 2013

And More Snow...

It just kept coming down yesterday, all day, keeping Dave, Olga and I indoors and stranding travelers all over London. We had a friend waiting at Heathrow Airport to take off for Beijing. I'm still not sure whether his plane got off the ground.

I went out in the afternoon and braved the falling snow for a walk down Portobello Road.

People were contending with it as best they could. That poor person trying to sell crepes -- talk about hopeful! (And persistent!)

Some of London's more temperate foliage looked a bit strange buried beneath snow.

There's a 30 percent chance of more snow today, mainly in the afternoon. By New York standards we haven't had all that much, but the English are more readily paralyzed by snow, which doesn't fall with the regularity here that it does in the northeast U.S.

Why do I have a feeling my substitute request line may be ringing off the hook?


  1. Good morning from sunny Florida where the silly trees and bushes are budding up.
    I hope that not too many people called in to your substitue line.

  2. warm here too. will be all week. the cardinals think it is spring and so do some of my plants. I keep telling them it's too early.

  3. There is something so wrong about palm tree leaves with snow on them! I heard about all the cancelled flight at Heathrow. We're supposed to below freezing all week; some snow showers later today (maybe) and a storm rolling in with "substantial" snow by Friday.

    At least being an apartment dweller you don't have to worry about shoveling or clearing driveways! (The downside of living on 4 acres with a yard for the dogs!)

  4. We were completely snowed under up here :( I really don't envy your job right now - subs must be in hot demand! My business works with schools and we were pretty dead today considering alot of them were off.

  5. Greetings from central New Jersey. All they are predicting for us is some flurries over the next several days. We need some here to photograph...until then I will enjoy your wonderful shots!

  6. Ms Moon: Actually, I only had one request, surprisingly!

    Ellen: Too early, indeed. I hate it when things start budding and then a freeze sweeps down from the north.

    Lynne: Yeah, not shoveling is a major plus. We even have maintenance guys who salt the sidewalks. The English don't plow and shovel the way Americans do, though, so some sidewalks can be treacherous after a snow.

    Wayne: Yeah, I heard it was worse north of London.

    Helene: Hello! Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for the kind words for my photos!
