Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Essaouira, and a New Family Member

Here are a few of the photos I retrieved from my box of negatives.

I've always liked the picture above. I took it during Peace Corps training in Essaouira, Morocco, in August 1992, and I had a framed enlargement on my wall for years. When we moved to England I sold the enlargement at a yard sale and then realized with horror that I didn't seem to have a copy of the picture! Oops.

The photo shows the city walls of Essaouira. In Morocco, many cities have a characteristic hue -- often pink or rose, or perhaps beige. In this case, the rosy color of the city walls and the whitewashed buildings within are distinctive features of Essaouira, one of the most beautiful Moroccan cities.

Shift now to Tampa, in 1991. I don't remember where I took these photos, which I ham-handedly cobbled together last night even though they're not from quite the same perspective. I didn't even remember that I had them.

I'm sure I was amused by all this leftie graffiti. And just think, this was during the presidency of George H.W. Bush and the first Gulf War, which was mild compared to all the terribleness to come. (Click the photo to enlarge it. On the far right, where it gets a bit blurry, it says, "George Michael for governor.")

And finally, here's my first car, a 1977 Pontiac Sunbird. This photo was taken in our side yard in 1983 or so. (That vacant lot behind the car is now occupied by a big house.) My mom bought the car used from a friend -- it was light blue with a white interior that I could never get very clean. I don't remember the mileage, but the car seemed very heavy, with big thick doors.

I put it through two fender benders and numerous trips around the state, and I drove it all through college, plastering it with left-leaning bumper stickers, before finally trading it in in 1988. It was a great car!

In other news: We may get our new dog today! We applied for a dog online with a rescue organization and the dog people did a quick "home visit" last night to check out our accommodations. Apparently we passed, so today we may be able to retrieve the dog from the kennel and have her stay with us on a foster basis until we finalize the adoption. Stay tuned!


  1. That first picture is just stunning! Shadows AND Light. Yes.
    I can't wait to start seeing pictures of your new baby. Do you have a name picked out or are you waiting to see who you get?

  2. I love all the graffiti! When I was getting my first car I REALLY wanted an ancient Mercedes - it had leather seats! But my dad figured they were selling it cheap for a reason so we went with the more practical Mazda 323 (little boxy compact).

    Ooh - can't wait to "meet" your new family member!

  3. I love the top photo. Now you will have a companion for your walks.

  4. A POOCH! Best news ever! especially for the dog! Essaouira - was there in the mid seventies when it was still sleepy and sublime- love the photo! Loved staying in Essaouira not just because of all the vowels but because the price and surroundings were perfect. Totally love your old car! Gas guzzler but with so much style! White upholstery! So sunny climate!

  5. "Oh, and by the way...we're getting a dog." I love the understatement of sneaking that in at the end. Hooray! I was HOPING that was what the "new family member" in your post title referred to. (Either that, or you or Dave is pregnant.) ;-)

  6. Love the colors in the first photo! And the shadows! ;)
    Love the whole pic actually.

    A new dog! An adult dog? A boxer? Can't wait to see!

  7. A new companion--how exciting! Happy New Year and much happiness with your new furry friend. I remember that car, arrayed with myriad bumper stickers, fondly.

  8. Love the car -- the photo in the field is fantastic!

    And I am so glad that you're getting dog --
