Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I'm coming to you from the friendly neighborhood Starbucks, because Dave's parents mysteriously lost their Internet connection yesterday. We called the cable company and they've scheduled a repair, but of course that won't happen until Thursday. And I have things to blog about now. Important, essential things.

So, what did you do for New Year's?

Dave and I opened a bottle of bubbly that was a Christmas gift from my friends John and Sue. We shared it with his parents, and I was inspired to try a neat party trick I learned about from Dave's coworker Lorraine. Have you ever seen someone make a cafe chair out of a champagne cork cage? Behold!

I know it's ridiculous, but I'm completely proud of it. We had to look online to find out exactly how to make it, but the process entertained us all. The experts can make far more elaborate versions.

Anyway, after that little exercise, we drove to dinner at a waterfront restaurant on Anna Maria Island, where I once again had grouper. You know, it's just the thing to do around here. Dave got chicken and waffles, which doesn't seem particularly Floridian, but to each his own.

We got home at 11 p.m. and because the ball-drop was just an hour away, we sat up to watch. Now here we are in 2013 -- a sort of numerically nondescript, in-between year, it seems to me. Let's hope it brings positive developments for all of us!

(Photo at top: Palm shadows on a shop in Cortez, near Bradenton.)


  1. I love the little chair - so cute!

    Mike & I stayed up until midnight - playing on the computer. We kind of waved at each other from across the room when the ball dropped - we're so sad :)

  2. My family makes those little chairs too. What is it about wee things which are so fascinating?

    Happy New Year, Steve! And to Dave, as well.

  3. Happy New Year to you and Dave!

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the photo of your little champagne cork cage chair. Perfection! I also love the little chair. Normally we throw our cages away, but this is too darned cute.

    We were in bed asleep when the ball dropped. Rick tells me that at midnight our neighbor down the road shot off some fireworks (fireworks: again!) but I slept through it for once. ;)

  4. That is so impressive! Happy new year to you both xx

  5. Oh Man, I am going to have to drink so much champagne!

  6. The little chair is very cute. I'll have to try it with the cage that was on the bottle of champagne we drank this morning with mimosas. We never go out on new years but we do have champagne and a fancy breakfast on new years day.

  7. What a good idea, having champagne and a special breakfast on New Years Day. Sounds better than risking being on the road with all the drunks on NY Eve.I think I will make it a tradition beginning in 2014.
