Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Meditation: Rock and Candle

Aglow, this shifting image
Shows angel-haloes, auras:

Incandescent elephant
Side-lit in silent trumpet

By standing candle lighthouse,
A navigator's hazard.

Rock, molded slow and pressured,
Root-grooved with sluices, fissured:

A wind-shaped, clay-sloped pillow
Or old man's folded elbow

Traversed with nerves and runnels,
Brain-gray, anatomical,

Life-like architecture, or
An alphabet's lost letter.


(When you're in the Peace Corps, you tend to have a lot of spare time to do things like set up an elaborate photo tableau -- and then write a poem about it! Who knew I would someday have a blog allowing me to present the two together?)


  1. This is wonderful and the perfect way to start my day.

  2. I love the juxtaposition of Morocco with the London snow pics.

    It's finally cold here, no snow. But I will somehow prevail, I'm sure.

  3. Lovely! The rock looks like the back of an oversized comfy chair to me...

  4. Before I even read your poem I was thinking that the stone looked like an elephant.

    I think you did a lot of deep thinking while in the Peace Corps.

    Very nice.

  5. Who knew that you are a poet and a photographer -- what a sensual world you evoke --
