Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Daisies for Boston

Just woke this morning to the shocking, sad news from the Boston Marathon. I just don't understand people, I really don't. The world is so crazy.

So I'm just going to post pictures of daisies. These are growing all over the lawn in front of our apartment building. When I look down at them, they remind me of a loose galaxy of stars.

Up close, their flowerness becomes more apparent. You begin to see something in each individual.

Like the fact that they aren't really all the same color, as they seem from afar. Some are a bit purple around the edges, while others really are white. Some of their petals are a bit bruised. They grow all together in an inhospitable place, on a grass lawn that gets mowed every few weeks, and yet they prosper.


  1. I belatedly came across this quote from Thich Nhat Hanh on Lorianne's blog, "Hoarded Ordinaries," on my blogroll. It seems pertinent.

    "People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don’t even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a child—our own eyes. All is a miracle."

  2. It's a sad world we live in today.
    Loved the words you wrote here, especially the last paragraph. Like the daisies, we've learned to be pretty resilient.

  3. "A loose galaxy of stars."
    Perfect. And that quote is so true. It's all a miracle. Thanks for the daisies, thanks for the words. In this world which is sometimes so insane, there is a rightness in remembering daisies.

  4. That last photo, the daisy that's posing for the camera, it looks like it might know the score.

  5. thank you, Steve. for the daisies, your words, that quote.

  6. Those little flowers grow here in abundance- we have the same climate as you. They are hearty and cheerful! After Sandy Hook still in a state of shock, the Boston tragedy is nearly like " oh, that happened" NEXT! However, the best spin is the focus on the people running into the explosion to HELP- and that has been uplifting.

  7. Lovely - thoughts & pictures. Our daisies are about a month out from blooming, I think.

  8. Sensitively composed Steve.

    There was a quote earlier today whoch was attributed to one Fred Rogers, about looking for the helpers.

  9. I love this: thank you. We don't have any daisies blooming here yet, but soon. Yesterday was, ironically enough, perfect weather for a marathon--clear, but cool, perfect for running--and I kept thinking how the weather was beautiful on 9/11, too. I just didn't seem right to have a sunny day on a sad occasion, but I guess the sun (like a daisy) shines on.

  10. I just read the news after having been out all day...I hope the authorities in Boston will find whoever is behind this atrocity...

    Lovely photos and sentiments here.
