Saturday, May 11, 2013

Roa's Wall

I finally got a chance to see Roa's newest wall yesterday in Bethnal Green. Remember when I stopped by on Monday and the art was blocked by a moving van? Well, I went back yesterday on my way to a pub outing with some friends, and fortunately I had a clearer view. (That white van on the right is blocking the pig's snout, but oh well.)

Steph at Little London Observationist recently wrote a piece about meeting Roa, and it includes photos of him working on this wall. It's interesting to see the piece in progress. You can get a sense of how he applies the paint.

I'm counting ten animals: rat, pig, squirrel, fox, rabbit, cow (?) and four birds. Am I missing anything?

If you want to check out some other Roa works in both London and New York, I wrote about them here, here and here.


  1. I love street art. Buildings can be such great canvasses and it reaches people who might never step into a museum. The street is where art belongs.

  2. amazing artist. thanks for sharing.

  3. Incredible detail! The eyes on the birds look so real. The cow with its throat slit, blood and all. Yes, I counted ten animals too. I think it's a wild boar on the side since it has fangs.

    So very cool and great job of capturing the scale of this piece of art! Do you know how long this took to paint? When I skimmed the link I saw that at one point it had taken 3 days but I didn't see where they said the total time.

    I don't know how people can paint such huge projects in scale. Amazing.

  4. Ellen: I agree! I wonder what people who have little experience with art think of pieces like this.

    Angella: He's one of my favorite street artists.

    Lynne: Isn't it amazing? I too would love to know how he calculates the scale and puts it all together. Also, how did he get up that high? There's a mechanical lift parked nearby -- maybe he used that.
