Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Moving (Maybe) and Other Changes

Our balmy weather continued yesterday. Olga and I took a long walk along the canal, where she ate grass and goose poop and romped with other dogs and generally had a fabulous time. She was so tired as we walked home that she trailed behind me on her leash -- and she's usually out in front, tugging me along.

I love this weather. I think I've been a bit sunshine-deprived. As I walked along yesterday, I could feel my skin warming, soaking it in -- and I felt myself breathing more deeply, relaxing in my bones. It was a sensation that's very hard to describe -- like muscles that have been clenched for months against the gray of winter are finally releasing.

Lots is up in the air here at the moment. On the positive side, remember those job interviews I've been going through? Well, I got the job! I'll be working full time in the school library beginning in the fall. It means more money and more interaction with other people, which is a good thing, and I'll be able to leave behind the late nights and early mornings associated with my current, part-time job. Woo hoo!

On the downside, though, there will be less time for photography, and we'll have to make plans for Olga -- either a dog-walker or doggy day care.

There's also a chance we may have to find a new apartment. We're not sure about this yet, so I haven't mentioned it here, but we've known for a couple of weeks that the possibility exists. I can't really go into why without discussing the private business of other people, but suffice to say we don't want to move and I hope it doesn't come to pass. (For one thing, I don't want to have to take apart the door frame again.)

If we do have to relocate, that may blow our travel plans for August. Fortunately we haven't bought any tickets yet. Remember how we were thinking about going to Turkey? Of course, that might be impractical now anyway, given the unrest there. We may have to content ourselves with a long weekend away somewhere in England. Leeds, anyone?

(Photo: A red hat in Soho, on Monday.)


  1. Congrats on the job! And working in a library--how wonderful! What will your job consist of, can you say? I would probably not get much work done as I'd be checking out the new books! :)

    I followed the link to the post about the table, and just had to laugh even tho I know it wasn't funny for you at the time. The table is beautiful; what a family treasure.

    Yeah, we have friends in Turkey right now on vacation and are wondering how it's going for them.

  2. Working in a library would be my ideal job!..Congrats!

  3. Wow. Lots of change and possible change. Which can be difficult. But wonderful, too. I'm really glad you got the job. I think you'll probably enjoy it although it will be a...change.

  4. That will be quite a change for you...I hope you enjoy the job!

  5. Congrats on the job! I always wanted to work in a library - although I never did anything toward that goal. Ha!

    Moving is a pain - sure hope you don't have to!

  6. Congrats on new job. With changes, look for the benefits.

  7. Wonderful photo -- and while change is kind of a pain, it's usually good in the end. Right?

  8. congrats on the new job!! extra $ is always nice.

  9. the new job sounds great and Olga will adapt. moving is a pain so I hope things work out.

  10. Congratulations on the job, and I hope you aren't forced to move! Funny how changes often come in clusters, and funny how even the "happy" changes are stressful in their own way.

  11. Just remember, working in a library means "working" and not just stealing away to read all the books. I'm reminding you of this because if I got a job in the libray, I'd need someone to remind me. Have fun!

  12. Oh, boy! I hope you write more about your experience in the school library. It sounds wonderful.

    And I hope things work out for the best with the moving situation.

  13. Congrats!

    I use doggy daycare occasionally for my dog and have loved every single thing about it (except maybe the expense). My dog can't get enough of fun.

  14. Congrats on the job! I think you'll enjoy it and Olga might enjoy doggy day care too! I am so impressed with the way you keep moving through life with open arms, letting the change happen, embracing all the questions and the answers and the unknowns. I hope you get to stay in your current apartment though. And if you don't, well, you might like the next one even better!
