Sunday, June 30, 2013

Pride, Briefly

After Dave and I went to see "The Book of Mormon" yesterday -- which, by the way, is brilliant and hysterical and all the things you'd expect, including a little bit shocking, in a good way -- I took a quick walk through Soho to take in the Pride festivities.

Holy cow, was it packed. When I went last year, I was able to take photos in the street and walk around without too much trouble. This time, I could barely move!

As I recall, though, I went earlier in the day last year -- early afternoon, probably -- and this time I didn't arrive until after 5 p.m. The parade was pretty much over by then and everyone was just having a good time.

There were lots of interestingly-clad people, as always, including this nod to Americana (above).

Many of the revelers experimented with fun, adventurous street fashion.

Of course, there were plenty of people in drag.

Needless to say, those are not female feet. The shoes look a bit ill-fitting, don't they? I wouldn't want to have to stumble around in those all afternoon, especially if I'd been drinking.

Still, despite the trying footwear, everyone seemed to be having fun. Happy Pride!


  1. GREAT photos! Happy celebrating- here it seems there are more female gendered pride goers. Guess all the boys have been shipped off to war. Looks like a fine time, glad to hear that you enjoyed the play! Kind of guessed that you would.

  2. Aw. Happy Pride, Steve! Great shots.

  3. I didn't even realize it was pride weekend until very late last night. I really need to get out more. Thank goodness I can live vicariously through you and your lens.

  4. Fabulous pictures.

    I love drag queens. I mean really, what is not to love?

  5. So happy that you got to take these photos to show us! And I, too, enjoyed Book of Mormon -- I generally hate musicals and am not terribly fond of the SouthPark guys, but I was very entertained and laughed a lot!

  6. Great photos...How's the new bed?
