Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Canalside Caterpillar

I came across another interesting creepy-crawly a few days ago while walking Olga along the Grand Union Canal. Turns out this is the caterpillar of the cinnabar moth, snacking on its favorite food, ragwort. It wasn't exactly trying to conceal itself, and apparently the caterpillar picks up enough substances from the ragwort to make it an unappealing meal for predators -- hence the bright warning colors.

We finally got to see "World War Z" yesterday, more than three weeks after we initially planned to go. It was worth the wait -- a nail-biter from beginning to end! My only complaint is that we once again managed to inadvertently go to the super-expensive cinema at the Westfield shopping center. The online listings never make clear whether a movie at Westfield is showing in the normal cinemas or the swanky ones, so you don't know until you get there, and I hate that -- because tickets for two at the swanky cinema are £32, or about $50. For a movie! I think I need to return to my previous policy of boycotting those Westfield cinemas entirely.


  1. That does seem an extreme price for a movie ticket. Perhaps they should have warnings attached to the online information- yellow and black?

  2. Yes! This ticket price is POISON!

  3. That's just crazy - I think we went to see the Ballet for not much more than that (yes, small market town, but still).

  4. Cool caterpillar! But that movie price!! YIKES. That is crazy. Is this the cinema with lounge like seats and food?

  5. Holy Caterpillars, Batman! $50?

  6. seems outrageous. was it in 3D? a 3D movie here during the day (reduced ticket price) is nearly $20 for two and I choke at that! can't imagine paying $50 for two.but, yeah, I liked it too though I have heard some people say they didn't like it.

  7. Is it worth the $ at the swanky cinemas?

    Love the caterpillar. It is definitely unafraid to show itself in its full glory.

  8. I am too cheap to go to the cinema- I think 8 bucks is too much! You poisonous find is pretty fancy! I wonder if they are poisonous to dogs? Better warn Olga.

  9. Bug: Well, exactly. For a live performance I could see paying that much, or more. But for a movie?!

    Lynne: This cinema had big armchairs and food, but it wasn't the one down the road that we really like, which is much nicer.

    Nancy: Maybe The Joker owns the theater?

    Ellen: It wasn't even in 3D! I actually avoid 3D movies if possible.

    Reya: If I paid that much at the Electric, which is the schmancy cinema down the road from us, I wouldn't mind so much. That place is really plush, with red velvet seating and ottomans and blankets and a bar. This cinema at Westfield is not that nice, and hence, no, is not worth it.

    Linda Sue: Surprisingly, I have never seen Olga try to eat a caterpillar!
