Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Day in Bath

Olga and I started our morning yesterday at this graceful little bandshell. It's in a park just a short walk from our B&B, and it's a great place to take the dog for a romp.

We went back to the guesthouse, woke up Dave, and ate a far bigger breakfast than I ever eat -- but that was good, because it saved us from having to buy lunch later. Then the three of us set out to explore town. Central Bath is mostly built of beige sandstone, with graceful curved streets of Georgian houses.

In a public square near the main shopping district, we found this band performing various blues tunes.

Olga was not happy with the volume of the music. (Yes, that's Dave. She didn't jump into the lap of a complete stranger, though she probably would.)

After watching the crowds for a bit -- vendors carrying towering columns of mylar balloons, a Sikh bicyclist in a turquoise turban, three grizzled drunks reading a newspaper headlined "The 'Pervy' Cornflake" -- we continued walking through the shops. Dave bought a new jacket and I'm hoping I can finally get rid of (or at least hide) that hideous light blue one he sometimes wears.

Otherwise, I've been reading my novel, relaxing in bed and enjoying a couple of dog-friendly local pubs -- Garrick's Head and The Hop Pole. Fish & chips for dinner!


  1. The best part: you are far, far away from the street fair in your neighborhood.

  2. How nice to finally see Dave!

    Love the pic with the poster about the Soccer Boss's Miracle Recovery under that cross. Very good eye to catch that!

    Love the old-fashioned band shell and I can imagine listening to a band playing there with people sitting on spread-out blankets.

    Fish & Chips: YUM. So jealous.

  3. Great to finally see Dave, and there's always a hideous light blue jacket in a lover's wardrobe, no?

  4. Bravo to you for traveling with the dog. When I had dogs, I used to travel with them all the time but, that was when I was camping or traveling in my mom and dad's motorhome. I love the European attitude about letting dogs into restaurants and other places. It seems so much more civilized to me.

  5. Colourful pictures. Super composition, placement of elements and timing of The Moment in that miracle shot Dave.
    My tired-from-driving eyes read the heading as a day in the bath!

  6. Oops, very sorry Steve - still seemg autoroutes in my head this morning.

    That's all for now.
