Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday Randomness

So I did sit yesterday morning, and it felt great. I got back to being my old cranky self in the afternoon, of course, because sitting is never a magical instantaneous cure for anything -- in fact, as I recall, the teachers say you should sit with no objective in mind other than to sit. Still, I'm gad I did, and I plan to continue.

The plywood walls are going up around the neighborhood to protect shrubbery, lawns and storefronts from the upcoming Notting Hill Carnival -- in fact these very walls, which I photographed last year, are up on our housing estate once again. In a possibly unrelated development, our local giraffe graffiti has gained a colorful new shirt.

Dave is going back to work today. I'm still free until next Monday, though, so maybe I'll get out and do something fun on my own. For one thing, I'm going to finish the book I'm reading now, "Rules of the Wild" by Francesca Marciano, which I really like. It's basically a soap opera, but an intelligent one, about expats living in Kenya. It's been so long since I've read a book that's really drawn me in -- so many of my recent reads have been work. I was beginning to doubt my ability to enjoy reading, which was scary. Guess I was just choosing bad books!


  1. I, too, am choosing books which will simply make me happy to read. There is nothing wrong with that at all.

  2. You're going back to work full time after quite awhile. You have every right to be cranky.

    So glad you sat - and that you will vamoose your 'hood during the festival. It can feel like that here, too, when there are demonstrations, protests and parades down East Capitol.

  3. I recently put down a book after just 22 pages and have no intention of picking it up again. two monologues and the second one was still ongoing when I gave up on it.

  4. I have been struggling with finding a good book to read for some time now. I just can't seem to find the right one. Life is too short to keep reading a book you are not enjoying.

    The giraffe is so cute. Maybe you should think about adding a few touches of your own to it?

  5. That you are going back to work soon made my core shiver, that sort of "I have an exam in the morning and I haven't studied" feeling. I do hope it goes well and that you can keep your orrs in the water. Makes me feel jittery. Olga is going to have to re-adjust again, life is stress and then it's over...If you guys ever come to the PNW be sure to bring Olga!

  6. Love the giraffe! And that hair quote - I guess Dave is glad you can't use that excuse :)

    I'm excited for you to go to work - I know, I know, it's easy for me to be excited - ha! But for some reason I think this job is a Good Thing.

  7. Bravo on the sitting. I'm still lying in bed, THINKING about sitting. Maybe tomorrow?
