Friday, August 23, 2013

Off to Bath, Dog in Tow

Today is the day of our retreat from Notting Hill to escape the weekend Carnival festivities. After work we're taking Olga to Paddington Station and hopping a train to Bath, where we found a B&B that accommodates dogs. We've never had Olga on a train before, so this will be an adventure! We didn't even have to buy her a special ticket -- she just rides with us.

I plan to blog from Bath, so I'll let you know how that goes. We return to London Monday evening.

I'm off to work slightly early today to join the staff & faculty mindfulness group, which gets together to meditate before school. I'm not sure my normal schedule will allow me to attend regularly, since beginning next week I'll be starting work later in the morning (in order to close the library later in the afternoon, allowing kids more use of the facilities). But I want to try to attend at least once.

I'm actually looking forward to the later start time (9:15 a.m.) so I can get more done at home before I go to work. More thoughtful blogging, for example!

(Photo: A tunnel at the Pudding Mill Lane DLR station, East London.)


  1. I've heard Bath is very interesting. Lots of photo fodder! And how cool is that -- Olga rides the train with you --perfect! How long of a ride is it to Bath?

    You haven't said how Olga is liking you working? Is she getting along with the dog walker just fine?

  2. Bath is excellent - crazy energy. I used to teach witch camp in Dundon, a village 20 minutes from Bath.

    I love the Somerset!

    How cool that you can take your dog on the train. Hope Olga is soothed by the ride.

  3. Have a great time! I'll bet Olga will be the star of the train :)

  4. Have a great time...I bet Olga will love the ride!

  5. I love this: "blogging from Bath." It sounds delightful!

  6. I guess Olga is not familiar with the word "bath" makes Dexter run away and hide and shiver. Lucky- you live so close to cool stuff!
