Monday, October 14, 2013

Rainy Day Insulators

This is what it looked like here in London yesterday -- gray and rainy. It was actually a wonderful day. I mostly stayed inside, finishing the book "Notting Hell" and then watching the movie "Barbarella," which I hadn't seen in its entirety for about 25 years. Groovy is the only word that comes to mind to describe it. Well, that and stupid. I loved it for its sheer camp value -- who wouldn't want a fur-lined space capsule? -- but Dave seemed less enthralled.

I took the dog out for a relatively brief walk. Even she wasn't thrilled to be outside.

I Skyped with my dad and stepmother in the afternoon, and then our neighbors Chris and Linda came over with some very ripe cheese and a bottle of bubbly. We liked the bubbly but we all agreed the cheese was too ripe. Olga ate a bit of it, but that and the fact that she didn't get much of a walk yesterday may have contributed to the little accident she had on the bathroom rug early this morning. Ah, pet ownership.

Those glass things on our bedroom windowsill are old telephone or power line insulators, as you may know. I've had the two on the right since I was a kid, when our next-door neighbor gave them to me. The one on the left I found when I was in my 20s near Gainesville, Fla., on a road trip with my friend Kevin. We each retrieved one from beneath an old, rotting telephone pole we spotted while driving on U.S. 301. (I once posted a photo of one of my former cats, Angeles, on a windowsill with these same three insulators. That photo was taken an astonishing 22 years ago, in 1991. It boggles the mind.)


  1. I love colored glass. It is so beautiful to me. A friend of mine has different blue glass bottles that she keeps on a shelf on her porch and they are just so pretty and somehow give a sense of peace to the porch. When we move to the coast (if we ever do) I want specially large window sills made so that I, too, can collect differently colored glass objects and bottles to sit where the sun can shine through them.

  2. I've seen those glass things before (at garage sales, I think), and always wondered what they were.

  3. Very cool looking! I don't think I knew what they were either.

  4. They are beautiful sculptures, found art. I love that they have travelled with you so long.

  5. I used to have a few of those too but I don't know where they are now. Such a cool color! Great shot out the window.

    Rainy days can be good for many things, but walking the dog is not one of them.

  6. I also have colored glass in my kitchen window, indigo blue and eggplant purple. Rain or shine, they brighten my view.

    Sounds like you had a pleasant Sunday. Rain and reading go hand in hand, don't they?

  7. These are the times of our lives. That phrase keeps cycling through my head.

    Thank you for sharing the times of your life here.

    Poor Olga.

  8. Groovy and stupid are not that different from one another.

  9. That's a lovely photo -- I envy you the rain as we haven't had any in months, really.
