Thursday, November 7, 2013

More Florida Memories

More negative scanning! These photos are all from the early to mid-1980s. I love digging out old stuff like this, especially when I haven't seen it in years. I don't have prints of any of these.

Above is the view from my bedroom in the house where I grew up. My room faced the lake, which got misty in cold weather. I believe that shot was taken around sunrise, sometime in winter 1984.

Here, on the other hand, is a sunset with driftwood on Longboat Key. As I remember, the colors were somewhat watery-looking even in the original print; I think it was early evening and the sun hadn't descended enough for vivid oranges.

These horseshoe crabs were washed ashore at Picnic Island, in Tampa Bay, in 1987 or '88. This was an evening photo, too -- hence the golden light. Tampa Bay is full of horseshoe crabs. I remember walking along Bayshore Boulevard and looking over the sidewalk railing to watch them crawling along the grassy bay bottom.

This is a fence near Madison, Fla., and probably also an evening shot, judging from the colors. Fun perspective.

And finally, here's a fire hydrant, also in Madison. I believe these last two photos were from the same road trip that yielded this photo, and if so they're from November 1987.

I get such a kick out of looking back in time and seeing what caught my eye back then. It seems like a lifetime ago!


  1. That all looks like home to me. You've obviously always had a good eye.

  2. I do that when I look at old photos of houses that I have done...sometimes it is like "Oh my gosh,,,I can't believe I used those colors"! I'm such a minimalist now compared to back then...

  3. Love that first photo, such dark and haunting beauty. And I like the hydrant being overtaken by the flowering vine. The chain in that photo makes me feel some kinda way. Can't quite put my finger on the feeling, though.

  4. At my sister's house one day I was looking at some photos of people gathered around her pool. I recognized everyone but me. I asked her who is this and she looked at me kind of funny and said "that's you silly". Silly indeed, lots younger too.

  5. LOL at Sharon - ha!

    What a most excellent view you had! My view was of a cow pasture :)

  6. Growing up in sunshine with lots of space around you- London must be quite an adjustment! If it makes you feel any better Bellingham is to of the list of NO sunshine laces in the US. I really love the fire hydrant photo...Dexter like is also.

  7. The p on my key board is stuck...

  8. I love seeing your vintage photographs. I'm glad you share them here.

  9. Love, love looking at old photos. Cleaning out my mom's house, I came across photos from the 1920's+. I just bought an Epson photo scanner that also does slides...can't wait to get started on this project. Great photos!
