Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Movember Results

Today is just a half-day at work, and there are no students. We're having a big meeting in the morning followed by departmental meetings for faculty, which means -- because I am not faculty -- I will be catching up on mundane tasks in the library. So all in all, a quiet day, which is a good thing.

Even better, I will finally be able to shave my freaking moustache! Woo hoo! We're taking our Movember group photo this morning, and immediately after that I'm taking a razor to my upper lip. I dislike my moustache less for aesthetic reasons than because I find it incredibly uncomfortable -- itchy, tickly, sensitive to every breath and every whisper of wind.

Also, I think it makes me look older.

Which means probably by the time you see this photo -- and you all asked for it, remember, so I am delivering even though I hate blogging pictures of myself -- the moustache will be history and I will be back to normal. Whew.

This afternoon Dave and I are taking off for Turkey. Olga will stay a few days at her kennel, which is already making me feel guilty. Blogging tomorrow from Istanbul, just in time for Turkey Day!

(Top photo: Neon sushi on a quiet alley in Mayfair.)


  1. I love this photo of you! You look perfectly kind and very handsome. Have safe travels in Turkey, and please take lots of photos.

  2. I love seeing your face, and yes, you have kind eyes.

  3. I agree with Elizabeth and Angella. You look distinguished, kind and approachable, which is probably why you can get away with taking photos of strangers in the street.

  4. I think it makes you look quite dashing!

  5. 1. You have a beautiful face.
    2. Don't feel guilty. Olga will be fine.
    3. Have big fun and travel safely!

  6. Have a wonderful trip! I can't wait to read about it.

  7. I like the stache! But I understand wanting to get rid of it :)

    Hope you're having fun!

  8. You look nothing like the kid who used to chase me around the dining room table.
