Sunday, January 19, 2014

Walking Our Rug

This is how Olga and I spent yesterday morning -- huddled on the couch as it rained softly outside. I read my book, and it was pretty much the perfect way to start a relaxing Saturday.

When the weather cleared later, we set out for our regular weekend walk in the park. I decided to leave the camera at home for a change, wanting to travel unencumbered. But just as we were leaving the apartment I impulsively grabbed our hallway runner -- a six-foot long beige rug that badly needed washing -- so I could drop it off at the laundromat on the way.

Unfortunately, as I discovered at the laundromat a quarter-mile later, I forgot to bring my wallet. The attendant would not accept the rug for washing unless I prepaid -- in fact, she wouldn't even let me leave it there, unwashed, just for the duration of my walk.

My choices at that point were to take the rug back home, call Dave, or just keep going. With an enthusiastic Olga dragging me park-ward, turning around didn't seem feasible, and I didn't want to tear Dave away from "Saturday Kitchen," one of his favorite cooking shows, just because I was an idiot.

So I swept out of the store declaring that I would take my business elsewhere. (I mean, really -- couldn't she just work with me on this?) And that's how I wound up walking through Hyde Park for the next hour with a six-foot-long hallway runner looped over my arm, which I'm sure looked peculiar.

So much for being unencumbered!

When we got home I stuffed it in our own washing machine. I'd thought it would be too large, but it came out clean as a whistle. Take that, laundromat woman.

In the evening I got a much-needed massage, and then we opened the bottle of champagne my boss gave me for Christmas in order to belatedly celebrate Olga's birthday. We got her a year ago on January 16! Hard to believe -- it seems like she's been hanging around forever. (In a good way.)


  1. Isn't that just the way of it. Sometimes it seems people go out of their way to make situations more difficult than they need to be, like saying "no" puts them in power. Anyway...

    From that pic, Olga's got the right idea for a rainy, Saturday morning. Happy Birthday to her.

  2. She is so cute! You are too.

    Oh man, dragging your rug around London? It does make for a funny image, but it can't have been fun.

    Laundromat lady is a jerk. But all's well that ends well.

  3. we all need to look ridiculous once in a while. keeps us humble. and just think of all the entertainment you provided onlookers. but yah, what a ninny. lost a bit of business. why is no so much easier to say than yes?

  4. Oh my goodness! I probably would have just pulled Olga home and forgotten the walk entirely. I would have taken it as a sign from the universe.

  5. This one make me chuckle. The next time I'm in London I'm going to look for the fellow walking around Hyde Park with a gorgeous white dog and a 6 foot rug over his shoulder. :-)
    Happy Birthday Olga!

  6. This made me chuckle. At least you were lugging your camera AND the rug. And happy birthday Olga. From that photo of her, I'd say she leads a very charmed and happy life.

  7. This is like eating dessert to come back to your Blog. Olga is so adorable! I think some people just take great pleasure in saying NO to things that are actually so reasonable. I'm glad you were able finally to take matters in your own hands. But hauling that rug all over Hyde Park was a big price to pay.

    I enjoyed the first part of Goldfinch before shifting gears to speed-read Ari Shavit's controversial book My Promised Land before I go hear him speak on Tuesday. (I'm at 69%!) Will keep in touch as I finish Goldfinch.

  8. Well I think you just explained why people seem so peculiar - they've just been rebuffed by the laundromat lady! I shall henceforth blame all odd behavior on her :)

    Olga & I are on the same wavelength regarding rainy mornings.
