Tuesday, February 4, 2014

This Week's Superstitions

Dave and I came across this black cat on the way home from The Shard on Sunday. A very handsome creature! Fortunately I am not one who suspects that black cats bring bad luck. (Does anyone really believe that?)

Not that I've had exclusively good luck of late. To wit, I paid my tax bill from New York State. Hopefully I've put that behind me now. I may still go after H&R Block to see if they can pick up the tab for the interest, as I understand may be possible. After all, if they'd done my 2010 taxes correctly, I wouldn't have had to pay that interest, would I?

A few years ago I posted a photo of a feather that came in our egg carton. The other day, it happened again. I'm going to invent a superstition that says it's good luck to find a feather in your eggs.

I came across this silly sticker on one of my walks with Olga. I think it's definitely good luck to find a silly sticker, even one that's slightly weathered and tired and rained on...

...or perhaps faded.

We'll need good luck this week in particular. We're supposed to have a tube strike beginning tonight and lasting through Thursday. Transport workers are protesting the closure of station offices and the elimination of jobs. It's a good thing I can walk to work!


  1. I see you're a glass-half-full kind of guy! Which is great! Sorry about the tax bill. We used to joke that H&R Block are agents for the IRS. Not really of course. I don't blame you for paying. The way that interest can rack up while you trying to contest a claim is truly a mathematical sleight of hand.

  2. You know, when I am in my anxiety phase, a black cat crossing my path can give me a startle. I had that happen just a few days ago and I had to give myself a good talking to. Of all the cats I've ever had, the black ones have been the sweetest.
    If feathers with your eggs are good luck, I'm set for life so I really like that idea.
    Sorry you had to pay money you probably didn't have to pay. But there is a lot of value to just not having to worry about it any more.

  3. Angella: I'm not always a glass-half-full kind of guy, but I try to be on the Internet! There's enough negativity out there!

    Ms Moon: Well, I think I really DID owe the money, or at least the principle. I just didn't realize it because of H&R Block's error. So yes, it's good to be done with it.

  4. I'm glad I missed the tube strike. The construction and break-downs were bad enough.

  5. Feather: could be a double-yolk signifier. Now that would be worth a new meme.

  6. Sending you good luck vibes!

    The feather - it actually is a good luck thing.

  7. The nice thing about being self employed and working at home is not having to commute.
